Train4TradeSkills Smear BUSTED they were not on Watchdog

I received an interesting letter which originated from one of the highly respected legal firms in London. The letter is pictured below:

The letter reads:

Media Relations – Defamation

I am delighted to inform you that BBC Watchdog has now confirmed they will remove the references to the Train4TradeSkills business from their web site. They have specifically confirmed that Train4TradeSkills was not featured on the BBC Watchdog program.


For and on behalf of BIRD & BIRD LLP

So I took a trip over to the Watchdog site and sure enough the reference to Train4TradeSkills has gone! A SMEAR is BUSTED again.

Now a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. For those that haven’t worked in the real media, the first thing we would have done is remove any references to Train4TradeSkills being on Watchdog and if we had done so there would also have been a well placed apology. In today’s world the consequences of retaining false claims have bigger ramifications and can be costly. I trust readers’ take on board that advice. When a SMEAR IS BUSTED you should remove any references to such a smear – you have been warned.

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