Dear S.B., I thought you might like to see these words of guidance of how to run a smear campaign, it echoes your lead column. I trust you can find room, I'm sure you will be busy as the entire world needs to rid itself of smear and return to the real world!

"It's not necessary, however, for a smear to be true to be effective."

Dear Catherine,
Thank you this, I hadn't seen this site but certainly worth a look. Anyone interested in a piece called The Anatomy Of A Smear Campaign hit the link.
It's well written and clearly shows how a smear campaign can easily be orchestrated. It does echo, thanks Catherine, that using push technology (please see lead column on the left of the blog, for push read the parts about linking posts together) is a very easy way to confuse people looking at search engines for answers. The site itself has enough power to appear high within search engines so that's a REALLY COOL find - thank you!

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